Horse Racing & Riding Helmet Replacements | Assembly Parts
While horse racing and riding helmets are made to be sturdy and durable, not all of them can stay perfectly intact forever. Since we know that horse riders and jockeys use their helmets everyday, we know that their helmets wear out more quickly. This is why we offer a grand variety of helmet assembly replacements, in case you simply have to replace a part of the helmet, and not the skull in its entirety.
Daily racing and riding can often take a toll on helmets. The chin or face straps might loosen, the padding and linings might wear down, or the hardware might need some extra adjustments. We offer assembly parts to provide a quick fix for your needs.
Our online store offers chin straps, face straps, helmet padding and linings, as well as hardware kits (which include buckles, rivets, and more) for easy and simple solutions to minor issues. Buying these parts can help save you lots of money, as a bonus!